Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lassen Pines - McArthur Rally - June 2008

1. We tried for a photo of our Airstream on this one-lane covered bridge in southern Oregon. Unfortunately on the other side I became trapped on a long dead-end road. I got back an hour later, after a partial U-turn, and reconnecting the truck at a better angle.

2. For 'bro John, who gave me a copy of Hard Road West by Keith Meldahl, an entertaining geologist's take on the western emigration during the 1840s and 1850s.

3. Marcia, Susan and Ed on the Bear Creek bike trail, near Medford.

4. Along Bear Creek.

5. In McCloud, trip leaders Bob and Elaine held a meeting with our group caravaning to Bozeman. We have 11 rigs caravaning; number 12 had to drop out because an accident disabled their tow vehicle.

6. Mt Shasta, hazy because of the many fires burning in California.

7. Burney Falls.

8. A co-generation plant tour. Sawdust and woodchips are burned to make electricity. Very marginal operation as logging scrap these days has competing users, and the plant is labor intensive compared to, say, natural gas.

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