Friday, August 15, 2008

Early start to Port Alberni

Last night at a rainy drivers meeting, two more rigs dropped out of the caravan, Ralph and Sue to return to Arizona because of care issue with her 96 year old father, and Dave and Kathy (if I understand their reasons correctly) because they didn’t want to deal with their long trailer on the ferry to Vancouver Island and return. We also learned that Felix had his bicycles stolen from the back of his truck in the SkyTrain parking lot.

At 6:25 am this morning, with Gary’s brakes squealing painfully through Dogpatch, we headed in caravan for the thirty-mile drive to catch the ferry to Nanaimo and on to Port Alberni.. We were somewhere in the middle of the pack and it was quite a sight seeing nothing but Airstreams ahead and behind us. Fortunately for others and us, this was early Sunday morning and traffic was light.

The ferry boat to Fort Alberni is huge, looks somewhat like a cruise ship, and was built in Germany. We were told it came to Vancouver under its own power but with a false bow to handle the open ocean (the false bow later removed).

Our truck plus trailer totaled 46 feet (they called it 45) and cost $210 for the crossing, part of our original kitty fee. They accepted reservations from only a few of us, but all units successfully boarded and crossed. The ferry was excellent although we've heard it has been pulled out of serve a few times because of engine difficulties.

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