Friday, August 1, 2008

WBCCI International Rally - Bozeman

Close to 900 rigs gathered on the campus of Montana State University for the WBCCI 51st annual rally. Probably 11 were from our NorCal unit. What do we do? Go to seminars on caravanning, trailer maintenance, unit organization, computer programs for documenting your travels, eat, drink, sight-see, share war stories with strangers from other states and Canada; participate in contests for best photos, best quilt, best anything; view vendor exhibits; watch the opening and closing ceremonies with the parade of unit flags; watch really hokey entertainment; prepare our rigs for national caravans that start out from Bozeman.

We all loved Bozeman - very friendly people, nice downtown, beautiful mountains, plenty of hikes. Reminds me a lot of Boulder CO. This really is Big Sky Country.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see another WBCCI blog. Bozeman was a great venue, agree with everything you've written, even the hokey entertainment! ;D

    It will nice to see your eventual comparison between a WBCCI International and Burning Man! That one should be a hoot! ;D
