Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Getting out of Dodge...the jinx strikes again

On returning from the caravan banquet in 2007, after a mishap-free trip (well mostly mishap-free), I managed to run over a hose bib in our campground. This caused flooding of 2-3 sites and the need to turn off the water throughout the campground for an hour.

This time, with the caravan completed and while waiting in line to board the ferry home, Floyd noticed that I had a flat trailer tire.

This is when this caravan stuff really pays off.

With boarding to begin in 45 minutes, Floyd, HV, and Cal jumped in and started changing my tire while Marcia hustled us all coffee from a local vendor. (Floyd -shown with his dog Taffy - and Jolene are from Colorado where he was in the Air Force and was a teacher; she spent her career working for the USAF Academy and the AF Space Command.) In the time it took me to find my spare tire, Floyd produced a battery-powered impact wrench and removed my old wheel. We had my spare inflated (it was low from storage) and on the trailer with plenty of time to spare.

What a group.

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